Astronomers don't like haze. It is bad. But even haze has it benefits and sometimes you can clearly see the sun through the haze without the need of filters which are otherwise a must. During sunset and the right amount of haze you might even be able to see sunspots with the naked eye as was the case today with sunspot AR2529. Also the swallows in the sky flew beyond it to create interesting photos And a nice video to start with
But let's o back to the beginning. Here is a general photo of the sun. The haze makes the skies brown and yellow, quite eek, and the sun itself much dimmer than it should be.
The sun in the haze |
More zoom toward the sun but the exposure is wrong. However the small flock of birds make this photo special and the sunspot can be seen,.
The sun and birds |
A proper exposure will show some details of the sunspot and the birds are over the sun.
Sunspot and birds |
The dark region of sunspot AR2529 is 20,000KM in diameter
Sunspot AR2529 |
The power cords also gives an interesting photo
The sun and power-cords |
Few minutes later the haze is so bad that the sun fades long before actual sunset.
Hazy sun |
And the new moon for dessert.
The new moon 10-Apr-2016 |