
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Venus and Mercury Conjunction

Venus and Mercury are in conjunction and it is easy to see the pair at southwest just after sunset. Bright Venus is visible immediately but it will take some 20 minutes to see Mercury. Their closet distance was during 9-11/01/2015 at about half a degree (just like the full moon), but they will be close together during the following few days.

Lets start with the better video from 2015-01-12 and thew whole story just after
As always better to watch on you-tube site with 1080hd resolution!

The first photos are from 11-Jan-2015. My point of view was quite good, as the pictures include the Israeli International airport (TLV), so you can see airplanes takeoff (In a curved S shape) and land.

As I tried to photograph, a bunch of very young curios kids got around me asking so many questions and bumping the tripod from time to time which of course damaged the video since it changed the composition and I have to throw away blurry photos. However they were so cute and asked so many questions - What is a star? How big it is? What is its name (4 times, I hope they got it finally). What is this star (Orion constellation at the east)? Where is the polar star? and so on... You simply can't be crossed at such nice kids!
Here are some photos and the video. The camera is Canon 700d with 18-250 Sigma lens.

Venus Mercury and an airplane landing
Venus Mercury and an airplane landing (bottom right

Venus, Mercury and an airplane taking off
Venus, Mercury and an airplane taking off
The video is a composition of about 200 photos taken during 50 minutes period Until Venus dropped behind the clouds (make sure to watch on HD 720 at least)! Don't miss the airplanes! They add a lot to the video.

I wanted to try again so I went today (12-Jan-2015) to a different place with a friend and tried a different approach, which basically is to photograph much more frames. I came out with around 1400 frames. Toward the end of the timelapse you will be able to see Mars as well at the top left - 3 planets and even four if you count Earth,
Few photos:
Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12
Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12

Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12
Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12

Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12
Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12

Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12
Venus and Mercury - 2015-01-12
And the video from January 12th 2015

Related articles:
Venus and Jupiter conjunction
Venus and the Pleiades