As I wrote in
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction, today, Mar 13th is the date that Venus and Jupiter are in the same height in the sky. Their actual conjunction will be between the 14th and the 15th of March, but the alignment was a great opportunity to take some great photos.
I've started with a photo from my roof. It is OK, but there is no proper background unless you call the solar water heating system a nice background.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction still in daylight |
So when my wife came home, I could go and wonder on the streets finding proper angles which will add to the atmosphere. First of all I will thank my dear wife for letting me go out in the busy early evening hours. Here are the results:
The first photo is from the parking and shows the next building. This is already getting better
Venus and Jupiter conjunction |
After that I've found some trees for the background, this one looks a but like a monster's face.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction looking like a face |
And this one above a high palm tree
Venus and Jupiter conjunction and the tall palm tree |
After that I went to the old water tower. water tower is a new word in English I learned today!
Venus and Jupiter conjunction and the old water tower |
And above it from further away.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction and the old water tower |
Are you familiar with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah? If not, here is the explanation briefly. During Hanukkah it is a tradition to light candles in the Menorah. Many public building has an electric Menorah which operate only through the eight days of Hanukkah (The middle light, the Shamash is additional candle). Any day, one more candle is lit. Anyway This is the first Astro Menorah with Venus and Jupiter being the candles.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction Astro Menorah |
Venus is located properly but Jupiter is off a bit. Couldn't get to the proper angles as I have no wings.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction Astro Menorah |
And the last photo is an overall look. Notice the orange tint. The air is full with dust and Jupiter was hardly seen even high in the sky. Time to go home.
Venus and Jupiter conjunction |